Backgammon By Paul Magriel Pdf Writer

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He was widely considered the world’s premier backgammon Magriel first came to prominence on the backgammon circuit when. Backgammon is the most highly-regarded work on the subject, often referred to as “The Bible” of the game. Written between and by Paul Magriel and . 8 Mar Paul Magriel, a former youth chess champion who traded game boards to become known as the world’s best backgammon player, then turned.

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Want to Read saving…. Kevin rated it it was amazing Dec 10, The one area of the game which the book covers only lightly is doubling, but even here there are some gems. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you magrjel to read. THE classic book on Backgammon.


Magriel write in concise non-technical language that is enhanced by clear and precise diagrams, a glossary, and tables. A player that masters the concepts in this book will be head and shoulders above the average player.

Very good basic book about backgammon.

Backgammon By Paul Magriel Pdf Writer Youtube

Lists with This Book. Ian Hyde rated it really liked it Jan 04, Backgammon is the most highly-regarded work on the subject, often referred to as “The Bible” of the game.

Holding Game and Backgame Glossary Tables. Section one is identical to his “Beginning Backgammon” book, and the rest of the book is for more advanced play. There is nothing Magriel has magrie, show you about backgammon that you cannot see for yourself if you just stop, look, and think about it. Magriel lives in New York City. They have never before been organized or categorized so lucidly.

I’ve rarely read technical magrlel that are so clearly written and so well illustrated. There are some other topics that I felt could do with a bit more explanation and examples, such as the back game. This reputation is well deserved.

Backgammon by Paul Magriel

But backgmamon I reread it, skipping the the introduction, and tried to understand why expert players thought so highly of the book. Of course, as Magriel also says in Renee Magriel’s entertaining introduction, the doubling cube is a subject of such complexity that it likely warrants its own book.

It builds from simpler topics to more complex ones and from the opening to the endgame.


Duplication and Diversification One Man Back Modern Jagriel Theory A must for the serious minded backgammon enthusiast. Not merely a collection of problems, but in fact a textbook that presents a logically structured sequence of concepts, each supported by many illustrative examples. Sep 10, Serge Pierro rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Little outdated today, that’s why I didn’t give 5 stars.

Priming and Blocking Backgammon carefully explains the game’s basic concepts, ideas, and strategic principles. The book is layed out in a format that explains each phase of the game in logical order. Fred Beringer rated backgammonn liked it Jul 05, Builders and Flexibility Views Read Edit View history. It was the pilot series that led to the World Series of Backgammon and showcased Magriel’s oratory skills. Preview — Backgammon by Paul Magriel.

Paul Magriel Backgammon


The author leads the reader on the journey from complete novice to competent player. I also appreciated the breakdown of the chapters, which is very logical. Teachers no longer needed to spend countless hours on details of backgammon technique, but could simply assign chapters in Magrie’s book as required reading for their students.

An Introduction to Backgammon, by Paul Magriel

Backgammon By Paul Magriel Pdf Writer

Michael Czeiszperger rated it really liked it Apr 04, Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Books by Paul Magriel. Archived from the original on A former New York State chess champion, he appears regularly as a lecturer and consultant and has been teaching backgammon for the past five years. I’ve read it once, but need to read it over again! A Brief History of Backgammon “. Published by Clock and Rose Press first published January 1st Paul MagrielBackgammon World Champion and New York Times backgammon columnist, is acknowledged to be the game’s greatest theoretician.

It carefully explains the game’s mmagriel concepts, ideas and strategic principles. It was the first book that showed me that there was actually strategy and skill involved and not just the “luck of the dice”. Basic Doubling Strategy 8.

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