Blood Bowl Legendary Edition Player Key Check

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  1. Blood Bowl Legendary Edition Key

Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition. Player key check where do i get my player key for blood bowl? Showing 1-1 of 1 comments R.I.P. Right-click 'Blood Bowl Dark Elves Edition' Click 'Show Serial' There you receive the serial number you need for the activation of 'Blood Bowl Dark Elves Edition'. Please do not mistake it with the key you need for the multiplayer part of the game which is also available there.

Blood Bowl Legendary Edition Key


This was already mentioned in the Blood Bowl league thread, but it really does merit its own thread, since some people who might be interested would miss it in the League thread.
A new edition of Blood Bowl is being released at the end of the month. While the engine is the same, there's a lot that has been added. The price is $40 flat for new players, with a 30% discount for anyone who already owns one of the previous editions and buys a digital version of the new one straight from the website. (you'll have to enter your Player Key to get the discount)
It's been confirmed that while the various editions will all use the same client engine with regard to online play, the older editions are not compatible with the Legendary Edition. Different versions will see each other in the Lobby, but won't be able to play against each other.
The other details:
11 new teams.
3 new stadiums.
A new Story mode.
An improved Tutorial.
Updated rules, to bring it in line with Competition Rules 6.
New Goblin Bombardier.
If you already own a copy of Blood Bowl and want to get the discount for the Legendary edition, go to one of the following links:
For European: Linky
For American: Linky
Second link MIGHT work for anyone, including Europeans, but the first one doesn't work for Americans (It tries to charge you in Euros and add VAT).
The discount is only valid for the next week, while they gear up to the release of the Legendary Edition.
For those who don't already own a copy - what the heck is wrong with you?!? Check this out, and then get yourself a copy!
This SHOULD be coming to Steam and Impulse, and possibly other e-tailers, sooner or later. Boxed copies are going to be available in the UK on the same day as the digital launch, and boxed copies may eventually be sold at B&M stores in the US.

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